How Many Freelancers Succeed - 10 Tips to Succeed As A Freelancer

It can be really difficult to get clients as a freelancer.

Especially if you are new to the platform with little or no reviews on your profile.

And because you have no reviews on your profile it can be very difficult to convince our client that is ready to pay you to be interested in you or to even award you the projects they want you to work on for them.

But you shouldn't lose hope because every Freelancer,

Every working freelancer, we see today with over 70 completed projects on their profile and over four points something star review started where you are right now

it started from the lowest the started from the scratch from zero.

Anyways there are some rules and some strategies and methods you need to adopt in order to grow up and be up on your game.

And these tips Aaron just brought from anywhere they were taken down from very successful freelancers out there just like you

they have been able to make it up the ladder that are sure that the methods worked for them so it is something like this that freelancers upcoming freelancers like you can learn from.

Now on almost all freelance platforms there are things that are called gigs or tasks.

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These are services that you offer on your profile that you have to showcase to clients in order to let them know what you can do, your capabilities and what services you offer.

Also on other platforms all you have to do is update your profile then describe the kind of skills you're into and show off your portfolios.

Cell as a freelancer if you have decided to create your profile in one of those platforms

Tips that are going to give you the ability to increase your visibility and get more clients and be one of the top rated freelancers on the platform.

  1. Define the areas where you are an expert on and what you have to offer

Before a client 6 a professional that hires they want a professional someone who has experience is working as a freelancer in a particular or in their specific industry.

For example although every freelance writer can write an article on plumbing.

But an experienced freelancer who has been writing on that topic for months or even years would have so much to give more than someone who just started writing.

That is why so many people would prefer someone who has been into freelancing for a very long time someone with so much experience.

So try to put into consideration the type of freelance business you want to go until you think about where you've worked in the past,

the experience and the expertise you have and how old your experiences can help you shape and mold your freelance career.

Think about all the background knowledge,

all the expertise and particular subjects, think about your experiences working with different clients,

Customers and companies in some particular industries,

even think about some qualifications you got some certificate you won awards that would make you an appealing professional to your clients.

What are there other areas where you would like to work but you don't have any experience or any kind of training?

Try looking for certifications or try getting some experiences to add to your portfolio so that it can also be beneficial to you.

  1. Identify your skills

Now the first thing you might want to write is to generalize your skills for example you can write I can create graphic designs that is in general but in this single sentence.

There are different and numerous aspects of graphic designing so you would want to specify which particular area you're good at there are parts like logo design,

image illustration, vector drawings, comics and also image manipulation.

so the question you should ask yourself is which of these am I really into it could be more than one maybe two or three but if you just leave it at you can create graphic designs

it's going to be like you accepting to be able to do everything and we all know the same jack of all trade master of none

more importantly any clients that is searching for its professional freelancer will prefer to pick a freelancer

who's been specific and not someone who generalizes stuff without having a particular one in mind, or without a specific task that he or she can handle properly.

  1. Research your keywords

Now let's look at it this way: imagine you are a client that needs a website for your freelance work.

What do you think they will type into the search bar well looking for a Freelancer?

many things like I need a corporate website or I need a blog.

I want to open a school website so as a freelancer trying to include these similar keywords in your tasks.

so we know what it's actually find all of these keywords that people normally search for regularly

try using Google to search for it type in something that relates to freelancing and see some of the ranking keywords that people use when searching for freelancers.

The one that appeared the most are the ones people have been using more often over time.

  1. Check out the profiles of other top rated Freelancers

sometimes the best way to be the best is to learn from those who are the best so you have to go out there and check for profiles of are the top rated

freelancers that have high views and learn from what they do learn from their own contents the contents they put out.

Even if sometimes some high freelancers are one of the best not because of their content but because of the work they do but still you'll be able to jot down a thing or two from their content.

Another thing you might be wondering is how do you identify or pick out a profile with good search results?

How do you know the best people don't learn from?

well it's simple you also take the position of a client's but pretend you're looking for a top rated professional freelancer and look up for those ones who appear on the first page,

Because there was one there being showcased on the first page are the ones that have a quality content structure that you can learn from.

but even if you are trying to copy the content structure of another profile,

trying to make it unique so you don't get penalized on Google search results it may also affect your credibility.

No potential clients will take you seriously if they notice that your constant description was an obvious copy work of someone else's content structure.

  1. Be Detailed

The way your description is being laid out speaks volumes for you and it's the first thing

if not the main thing that would impress a potential client who wants to hire you for a project.

so how you structure your tax matters a lot.

It tells the person who's reading that the freelancer who owns this profile is a serious person and a professional one too.

so as a content creator or someone who wants to establish or put up something very nice on their profile

you should not allow any form of sentence or grammatical errors and also make sure that you can explain yourself in more words than one explain yourself in more detail

not just one sentence let the reader know that there's a lot from you and there is so much they can gain from you.

And also, the same way every particular work has their own terminologies,

there are terminologies that come with freelancing and each task and service that are in

there so you should be able to break down all these terminologies in lay man understanding so that your reader can understand you totally and understand the services you can offer.

  1. Be Unique

although you are part of the crowd of freelancers you could stand out you can be a unique one and there are lots of ways of making sure that you are different from all of them

for instance you can have a very mind-blowing introduction use the first few sentences of your introduction to blow their minds do it differently from what others are doing.

If you are a graphic designer you can showcase one or two of your works in the section for images.

You can add a video if it is possible you can write and try to convince them differently from what others are doing.

  1. Structure your Task for an immediate purchase

And all this may be difficult but it is helpful state every detail of your task in your shopping cart

so that whoever potential clients that is trying to contact you doesn't need to look for your contacts anymore

they have already seen everything you can offer how much you are offering it for and all they need to do is hey so that you can get started on the project.

if there are other requirements or info that you may need for their projects

you can mention them and let them know that if the clients can work with it that he or she can go ahead to pay.

this would even make you stand out and look more professional because most clients get bored of trying to contacts a freelancer over and over again

so you just ate all your details everything about your work and all they have to do is pay for you to get started on their project.

  1. Finish it Off On The First Inquiry

if it is possible that you get an enquiry from the potential clients make sure you answer all the questions

do not prolong anything because the longer you stay with these enquiries the shorter the chances that you would get any of them to actually hire you

forget projects remember that before people actually come for freelancers they have like more than one choice so in order to

make sure that you are the one they choose try to make your enquiries and your answers to them as short as possible.

  1. Ask For The Feedbacks

what makes any workers stronger is the ability to take on any negative complaints

so as a freelancer you should not joke with feedbacks so once you are done with my job any project at all make sure you ask the client to tell you or let you know of anything

they did not like about your work ask them to let you know if there any negative comments.

Now these are not for him or her to drop in your review section so it is always better you ask them personally

so they would let you know if there's anything she did wrong that they did not like because it will help you grow better and know exactly how to handle other clients in the future.

because when a client realizes that you're open to correction it tends to be more helpful and whatever grudge

they have a gauge to may become an encouragement because they know you are willing to learn.

And though there may be some stubborn clients who would still go ahead to give you a negative review on your profile,

do not bear any grudges or look at the clients in a different way you look at yourself instead and ask yourself what could I have done to avoid that negative review.

  1. Display your Tasks on Social Media

No one can tell you better than yourself so you try to showcase yourself out there make some ads and drive traffic to your work

then you leave the clients to choose who to work with will make sure that you were out there especially on social media.

Social media is one of the best places to place something you want people to see so show your link to your task on your social media handles put it anywhere possible including in your bio description,

oh yeah in your profile everywhere you can actually put up a writing.

And you will be very surprised whenever it is time for people to make a choice they would pick you because you were all they could see and you were all over the place.

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