Simplifying Google Ads Payments in Nigeria with ADPay

Welcome, Roladians! At Roladel Nigeria, we're all about breaking barriers and helping you unleash your full potential in the online business world. Today, we're diving into an exciting topic: making Google Ads payments right here in Nigeria, using our local currency, the Naira.

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Now, let's get into it. For a long time, running Google Ads in Nigeria has posed challenges, especially concerning payments. With Google Ads typically accepting payments only in dollars, navigating currency conversions and associated expenses has been a headache for many Nigerian advertisers.

But fear not, because we've got a game-changer for you: ADPay. Similar to Payu for Facebook and Instagram ads, ADPay is a platform specifically designed to facilitate Google Ads payments in Naira, making the process smoother and more cost-effective for Nigerian advertisers.

Here's how it works:

1. Setting Up Your Account: To get started, head over to and create your ADPay account. It's a straightforward process that requires basic information such as your name, email, phone number, and business details.

2. Funding Your Account: Once your ADPay account is set up, it's time to fund it. ADPay requires a minimum funding amount of 50,000 Naira, ensuring you have sufficient funds to run your ads effectively. You can choose to fund your account either via bank transfer or through Paystack for instant funding.

3. Activating Your Manager Account After funding your ADPay account, you'll need to activate your manager account. This step involves accepting an invitation sent to your email and creating a password to activate your account.

4. Creating Your Google Ads Account: With your ADPay manager account activated, it's time to create your Google Ads account. Simply name your account, provide your email address, set your budget, and select your campaign start date.

5. Funding Your Budget: Once your Google Ads account is set up, you'll need to fund your budget. This is where the funds from your ADPay account come into play. You can choose to allocate your entire wallet balance or a specific amount to your Google Ads budget.

6. Launching Your Campaign; With your budget funded, you're now ready to launch your Google Ads campaign. Sit back, relax, and watch as ADPay seamlessly handles your payments in Naira, eliminating the hassle of dealing with dollar transactions.

ADPay simplifies the entire process, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business and reaching your target audience effectively through Google Ads.

In conclusion, if you're a Nigerian advertiser looking to harness the power of Google Ads without the complications of dollar payments, ADPay is your go-to solution. Say goodbye to currency conversion woes and hello to streamlined payments in Naira.

Ready to take your Google Ads game to the next level? Give ADPay a try today and experience the convenience firsthand. Click the link in the description to get started.

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @RoladelHQ for more tips and updates. If you found this video helpful, be sure to give it a thumbs up, subscribe to Roladel Nigeria, and share it with your fellow advertisers.

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